As the ominous glow of the approaching meteor grows brighter with each passing night, humanity braces for its inevitable demise. With just ten fleeting days left on Earth’s countdown, panic grips the hearts of all who gaze skyward, knowing that their existence hangs precariously in the balance. But not us! With the help of Nick Libretti from JR Cigar and Smoke Inn’s Alex Tavella we will enjoy our impending doom by smoking one last cigar. Find out which cigars we would smoke and vote on who made the best picks on this doomsday episode of Smoke Night LIVE.
Showtime: 9PM Eastern 04-26-2024
Episode: 421
Smoke Night LIVE is brought to you by JR Cigar – the world’s largest cigar store. Smoke Night LIVE is also brought to you by Espinosa Premium Cigars. Watch this episode LIVE on the Cigar Dojo Facebook, or YouTube. You can also interact with the show by commenting on the live video feed.
Get ready DOJONATION, Friday night is Smoke Night!
Smoke Night LIVE is the late night live cigar show.
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